I'm a little behind on reporting "what I did today", but I'm still new to the forum. Hell, since this is the first bike I've owned in 35 years, I'm still feeling new to riding again. I've had my '14 FLHXS for about a year and in that time I've added an HD hidden antenna under the fairing, installed Get-A-Grip grips, changed the oil, trans, and clutch fluids and put on a Flames 103 derby cover (a gift from my kids). Finally, in the last week, I've installed a LePera Maverick seat, Cobra 909-Twins slip-ons, and a FL-ViED-10 fuel management module. It's probably not as big a deal to all of you long-time riders, but I'm proud to say that I'm doing all of my own work; mostly because I'm really cheap, but also because I'm loving being a bike owner again and feel it's my responsibility to learn to care for my own machine.
Sorry for being so long-winded. Next time I'll just tell you about my next upgrade. I'm looking forward to learning from you all, and maybe sharing something insightful myself along the way.