What did you do to, or on your streetglide today?

Took a short 100 mile rode to nowhere. I should have made it a longer ride. Also updated my radio firmware, dealer said this should fix the problem of my radio not powering up after cranking. So far, so good.

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Debadged the tank. Was on the fence for a while and finally did it. I think I made the right decision, looks nice and clean.uploadfromtaptalk1459125192934.jpg
Installed 8" plasma rods. Got 'em as run / brake lights. Love the look and maybe.....cage drivers can see me better! 1 hour install was simple and adds a lot of light back there.
Installed 8" plasma rods. Got 'em as run / brake lights. Love the look and maybe.....cage drivers can see me better! 1 hour install was simple and adds a lot of light back there.

Good for you- I did the same a year ago- never regretted it yet! Did you add their tail LED lights too?
No Mojo, I just added the 8" plasma rods. Now the stock lights look overpowered by the plasma rods. I guess the LED's will be next. Funny how the upgrades never seem to end! I just hope the checking account can keep up! :)
No Mojo, I just added the 8" plasma rods. Now the stock lights look overpowered by the plasma rods. I guess the LED's will be next. Funny how the upgrades never seem to end! I just hope the checking account can keep up! :)

Amen to that! Hopefully we can connect when you come thru here. I PM'd you my contact info.
I added DNA megaphone slip-ons today. I may get flamed for buying knockoff's but whatever, not all of us are rich. Anyway, I just want to say that none of the videos I listened to of these do them justice. Seems like the cameras can't pick up the low frequencies they produce. They have a very nice low tone to them that you can feel pumping in your chest, and they aren't obnoxiously loud when out riding. I will admit the chrome is a little less than perfect but can't really tell when they are on the bike. For those on a budget but wanting a great sounding slip on, I highly recommend them!!
Installed a Fuel Pak 3 and VO2 naked air intake. Next up OS 450 slip one and Mustang seat

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Finished installing my dynojet "target tune" last night and took my first ride today. After an hour of riding I can honestly say I made the right decision adding this to my bike. I've been running a dealer dyno tune on a SE tuner because no one local dyno's with power vision. Now with a new Fuel Moto TT map my 120R pulls better than the dealer dyno tuned map, and the Target tune will only get my map better the more I ride!
Installed new tire valve on the front tire after it went flat on my way home from work. The cheap one Harley put on had a defect. Lucky it didn't go flat while I was on the freeway...or did it? And I just didn't notice it? I didn't notice it was flat until I tried to make a left turn. Lucky also the tire is ok. Lucky the wheel is ok too. Just lucky all-around....
I'm a little behind on reporting "what I did today", but I'm still new to the forum. Hell, since this is the first bike I've owned in 35 years, I'm still feeling new to riding again. I've had my '14 FLHXS for about a year and in that time I've added an HD hidden antenna under the fairing, installed Get-A-Grip grips, changed the oil, trans, and clutch fluids and put on a Flames 103 derby cover (a gift from my kids). Finally, in the last week, I've installed a LePera Maverick seat, Cobra 909-Twins slip-ons, and a FL-ViED-10 fuel management module. It's probably not as big a deal to all of you long-time riders, but I'm proud to say that I'm doing all of my own work; mostly because I'm really cheap, but also because I'm loving being a bike owner again and feel it's my responsibility to learn to care for my own machine.

Sorry for being so long-winded. Next time I'll just tell you about my next upgrade. I'm looking forward to learning from you all, and maybe sharing something insightful myself along the way.
Installed the Nightrider FL-ViED-10 yesterday and rode it around for a bit. Man as soon as I started the bike up I could notice the difference! She was quieter and the throttle response was better, will have to see how she does on a longer ride with the heat.

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