From ________ to Streetglide?

I started with a V Star 1100 ... moved up to a Road Star for a few years and now on a 2014 FLHX. I wouldn't EVER go back!!
I didn't really move up I just kind of added too . But I love my sgs

Former Jersey Jeepers treasurer
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1976 Suzuki GT 550>1985 Honda Shadow 700>1984 Yamaha Venture Royale>1988 Yamaha Venture Royale>2000 Electra Glide Classic>2014 Street Glide Special been riding for 30 years now on the street.
1979 Sportster New, 1990 Heritage New, 2003 Roadglide New, 2014 SGS New. Grew up in Tomahawk Wis. where Harleys Fiberglass factory has been since 1963. I worked there in the late 70's. Was still real small. Bought my Sportster because as an Employee I could not beat the deal! Been Riding them ever since. All high mileage bikes sept the new one! Grant.
77 yamaha bought new...not sure which but was shaft drive, 81 yamaha 750 virago bought new only 16K miles and still have but haven't used for 10 years, 2005 Heritage new...great bike and miss it in a lot of ways. My 2014 SGS has really grown on bad the season is just about over.
From ________ to Streetglide?

86 Honda VT1100 Shadow, 88 Harley FXR. 92 Honda ST 1100, 2000 Dyna Convertible, 2003 Road King Classic, 2014 SGS.

It's been a process and while my ST1100 was one of the most fun bikes in the world to ride there was almost no way to make it my own, the Road King Classic was a very comfortable ride but the SGS is absolutely amazing IMO.....I'm back to the fun of the "rideness" (is that a word) of the ST1100 with the comfort (and then some) of the RKC.....all in all the overall best motorcycle I have owned to date!!!
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Sold my trusty 06 Dyna custom Dyna Street enjoying the 14 FLHXS....and this forum...

Got my first street bike about 35 years ago, a 1972 Suzuki T500. This Wideglide was my last bike before the Streetglide I have now.
Oh wow,gotta think about this.
First one was 1965 Sears and Roebuck 3 hp mini bike my brother and i bought together.
We were 8 & 9 at the time. Not a great idea lol. Rode that thing till it blew up. Of course numerous dirt bikes.
First street bike 1974 Kawasaki 400 new, their first entry into the 4 stroke market.
Didn't own another (Family Time) till 1999 Suzuki Intruder. Then 06 Street Glide loved that bike.
08 HD Classic Wife Hated That One.
Back to a used 99 Intruder.
Now a 2014 Street Glide.
Now we are both Happy
All Harley's. Heritage Softail>Road King Classic>Cross Bones>Wide Glide>back to Road King Classic>CVO Breakout>2015 CVO Street Glide!!
Well let's see...........
  • 1986 Honda 1100 Shadow
  • 1988 Harley FXR
  • 1992 Honda ST1100-ABS (Loved this bike)
  • 2000 Harley FXDX Convertible
  • 2003 Harley Road King Classic (Silver & Black)
  • 2014 Harley StreetGlide Special (Love this bike the most)

I made my way to the StreetGlide in a roundabout manner but thankful that I finally arrived here. This is without a doubt the best long ride bike I've had......although that ST1100 was like driving a Ferrari :D
Throwback- Back in 1973 one of my co workers bought the all new Honda CB 750 Four, Honda's largest at the time I believe. It was all of $1200! NEW MSRP was about $1495 and it was the first bike with ALL disc brakes. It wasn't the biggest though, Kawasaki had a ZI 900.
Just started riding this year, went from an 06 night train to my 14 SGS. I really liked the night train, but love the street glide.
I purchased my first street bike in 1979 at the age of 16.
It was a 1973 CB175 with on 200 only miles on it.
1980 CM 400
1983 XT175
1986 XT350
1991 XT350
1971 Electro glide (Green with only 4000 miles)
2001 Road Star Silverado
2004 Road king Classic. I put 40,000 miles on it and loved the bike, till I bought my SGS.
2015 Street Glide Special
From 12 Yamaha XVS 950 Midnight Star to 14 Street Glide.
My second bike and I'm in love with it!

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