FP3, The Auto-Tune Process Explained

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Here are my first 5 of my 6 runs so far with my FP3 (Can't up load a 6th image, so I will wait until I have 4 more and update again). That's roughly 250 miles with 50 or so of it on the interstate, all 5th and 6th gears, above 75mph. The rest has been backroads with a minimal amount of putting around town.

For reference: I am on a 2015 Road Glide with a SE Agitator cleaner, and Freedom Performance Sharp Curve Radius pipes. As FP is not listed in the FP3 base maps (yet... fingers crossed), I used the closest thing I could find which is the V&H Big Radius as a base map. Hope this helps someone, and I intend to put on another 100-150 or so miles tomorrow.
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Seeing how I'm in Auto-Tune right now, I can't alter the settings of my map, so I was wondering if anyone could tell me if the default throttle setting remains "normal" or is in the "race" or (whatever it's called, TBIs from IEDs can't remember ****)?

I've never altered my throttle setting, but just want to make sure I'm on normal to make this AT process a bit simpler.
You need to spend more time on the tune. Go back through this thread and look at some of the maps that took 1500 to 2000 miles to complete. Take your time and do it right. Copy the map everytime you can so you can see your progress and learn how to fill the blocks. I was the same way but stepped back and took my time. You will learn that RPM and throttle position is what fills the map. It will really bother you when you loose blocks because they are learning more and go blank.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Tom
Default TP should be 'normal'....but if you changed it, it's whatever you changed it to.... AT doesn't 'default' to a known setting that you changed.
When I auto tuned mine I had my phone on my handle bar mount with the table displayed, you can actually watch the table populate while you ride. This method helped me by being able to see what was learned and I could move on to the next section.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
I am having new exhaust installed by dealer, to include FP3...they said that they will tune it and no need to download app and go through process. Is that accurate?

Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk
I am having new exhaust installed by dealer, to include FP3...they said that they will tune it and no need to download app and go through process. Is that accurate?

Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk
They can't actually tune it , all they will do is find the correct map or closest one and map it to your pipes, that is unless they are going to ride your bike for hundreds of miles which i doubt they will and doubt you would let them , lol , i suggest you download the app and do an auto tune when your ready , have them leave your fp3 connected to your bike and have them zip tie it to keep it from moving around, a lot of folks are leaving theres hooked up even after the auto tune.

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
I am having new exhaust installed by dealer, to include FP3...they said that they will tune it and no need to download app and go through process. Is that accurate?

Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk
Also go to law abiding biker on you tube , they have a great video explaining the fp3 and most of the options for the average joe.

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
You need to spend more time on the tune. Go back through this thread and look at some of the maps that took 1500 to 2000 miles to complete. Take your time and do it right. Copy the map everytime you can so you can see your progress and learn how to fill the blocks. I was the same way but stepped back and took my time. You will learn that RPM and throttle position is what fills the map. It will really bother you when you loose blocks because they are learning more and go blank.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Tom

By NO means am I anywhere finished, simply documenting my progress.
Looks good so far! But you have much more to do, targeting key areas....
Oh I know it, this whole work thing Tuesday-Saturday from 9-6 kind of kills my ride time. And the weather has been royally sucking in Missouri.

Any advice on targeting those areas? Stay in low gear and really twist on it, or what are you thinking?
you wil NEVER get 100% of the table.. never... but you can can target the orange areas by riding in them. Look at the TPS% and RPM that needs to be populated... make it a range. Now go out and ride in that range. Each time you do this targeting, you will populate more and more cells. I never said it was easy, but it can be done.....
My big issue seems to be throttle position. I have no problem getting the RPM, but the throttle position seems to be a problem for me since anything over 20% wants my girl to just sprint.
it takes a bit of finesse and lonely roads to get the lower TPS ranges.. and a bit of brake work to keep you in range.
"it takes a bit of finesse and lonely roads to get the lower TPS ranges.. and a bit of brake work to keep you in range."

Please explain
lower ranges are hard....almost lugging the motor to a degree. Upper ranges can be too.. but with a little brake work and throttle you can target those areas.

Ride the brake to maintain an rpm and throttle position....
Ok had some good riding weather so i did some auto-tune sesions. From looking at other screen snap shots i think I did good got 99% of the low or leftside, all of the middleand about 30% of thehigh or right side. Hit Finish and it said something about an error and to try again but the blocks were already gone.
Post a picture of your screen shot so we can see it. Go back through this thread and look at some of the ones posted to get an idea of what your looking for.

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