Here are my first 5 of my 6 runs so far with my FP3 (Can't up load a 6th image, so I will wait until I have 4 more and update again). That's roughly 250 miles with 50 or so of it on the interstate, all 5th and 6th gears, above 75mph. The rest has been backroads with a minimal amount of putting around town.
For reference: I am on a 2015 Road Glide with a SE Agitator cleaner, and Freedom Performance Sharp Curve Radius pipes. As FP is not listed in the FP3 base maps (yet... fingers crossed), I used the closest thing I could find which is the V&H Big Radius as a base map. Hope this helps someone, and I intend to put on another 100-150 or so miles tomorrow.
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