FP3, The Auto-Tune Process Explained

Just started my Auto-tune on my 16 SGS w/Street Cannons and SC High Flow filter.
Started a ride then had to make a brief stop.
Did a screen shot after both stops. Question is, in first run, a few of the cells were learned, but in the second some of those same cells were blank or learning. Does that mean the info on those were lost and need be 'learned' again? Yes, I hit 'apply' after both short runs.


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When applied.. the learned values are kept.. you lose visual reference as well... so if the same cells are relearned... it's no big deal

Sent from Note4 via TapaTalk
Spazz is definitely the subject matter expert here but I'm getting the hang of it.

Applying will basically flash what it learns, just as if you finished and started auto tuning again but using apply lets you get back to it faster. Any area you rode in will be re checked and any learning it does is essentially a double check. Unfortunately comparing maps is quite time consuming, so unless you take the time to compare auto tune maps you won't know if you're getting any substantial changes.

Sent from my Droid Turbo 2 using Tapatalk.
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I took screen shots at the end of each riding session. That way i could look at the last one and see what I needed to work on.

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FP3, The Auto-Tune Process Explained

When I launched the app today on my iPhone, I noticed Vance & Hines has updated FP3. Didn't spent much time in it but I did see a new feature. It now gives you few new customizable options on running the Autotune. Unfortunately can't tell ya what they are at the moment cuz I'm away from my bike and autotune is still active. I do believe it's version 3.0.8.

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OK finally got a handle on comparing my maps. I restarted auto tuning with the stock equipment map as i thought that might have been a better choice (i first chose twin slash slip ons, V&H told me later to use the monster rounds map. havent compared that one yet).

i put all the date in a spreadshet but its harder to visualize so I then copied all the VE data to winPV. This was just one AT session (2 applies) with this map but here's the results. it's worth noting that while this delta shows mostly positive changes, my AT from the twin slash slipon map was mostly negative. Either map would be a decent starting point but they both show room for improvement.

If V&H would allow me to save the map as a pvt straight from the unit that would sure save me a lot of time!

ps I looked at the new auto tune settings but it would not let me decrease the target AFR nor the hits required. 14.4AFR seems to be as rich as it'll allow.
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Been having so much fun reading the posts I joined the site today. Don't hold it against me that I ride a full dresser. Wore out the old 2001 Electra-Glide so I traded it in on a 2014. Sold a 1990 Softail with 100,000+ miles on it to buy the 1st Electra-Glide. Yup, I ride a rolling BarcaLounger and damn proud of it.

After reading every post this morning, took 3 cups of coffee, I installed the FP3 today. Really simple and everything did exactly as it should. I loaded a canned tune for hi-flow breather and twin slash round slip-ons with std baffles (Rinehart).
Not being one to even give that a try, I turned on the auto-tune and hits the roads. Not that I needed an excuse to ride, I FORCED myself to hit a bunch of on-ramps and side roads and all the junk that makes riding what it is. ~100 miles later I returned to my charming bride of 39+ years and took a snap of the chart.
Spazz, everything you explained help a lot and simplified the process. Let's see how many blocks I can get through on a 3-day weekend... THX!
AT Day One.jpg
Been having so much fun reading the posts I joined the site today. Don't hold it against me that I ride a full dresser. Wore out the old 2001 Electra-Glide so I traded it in on a 2014. Sold a 1990 Softail with 100,000+ miles on it to buy the 1st Electra-Glide. Yup, I ride a rolling BarcaLounger and damn proud of it.

After reading every post this morning, took 3 cups of coffee, I installed the FP3 today. Really simple and everything did exactly as it should. I loaded a canned tune for hi-flow breather and twin slash round slip-ons with std baffles (Rinehart).
Not being one to even give that a try, I turned on the auto-tune and hits the roads. Not that I needed an excuse to ride, I FORCED myself to hit a bunch of on-ramps and side roads and all the junk that makes riding what it is. ~100 miles later I returned to my charming bride of 39+ years and took a snap of the chart.
Spazz, everything you explained help a lot and simplified the process. Let's see how many blocks I can get through on a 3-day weekend... THX!
View attachment 11216
Dresser? Oh so you put a tour pak on your street glide...

Enjoy the auto tuning and yes spazz is a great source of information for tuning and everything Harley related.

I highly suggest doing occasional applies during tuning sessions. While it does make things harder to keep track of which areas you still need to hit (this is why I've been porting everything to pvt maps as seen in my last post) it allows the fp3 to double check those cells when you hit them again. You definitely sound like you have a hang on what is needed to auto tune the bike so the only thing left to do is keep at it! My bike is sure happy with minor decel popping (fp3 can fix that too) but I next will be experimenting with retarding timing as I'm hearing what sure sounds like knocking upon acceleration.

Sent from my Droid Turbo 2 using Tapatalk.
Dresser? Oh so you put a tour pak on your street glide...

Enjoy the auto tuning and yes spazz is a great source of information for tuning and everything Harley related.

I highly suggest doing occasional applies during tuning sessions. While it does make things harder to keep track of which areas you still need to hit (this is why I've been porting everything to pvt maps as seen in my last post) it allows the fp3 to double check those cells when you hit them again. You definitely sound like you have a hang on what is needed to auto tune the bike so the only thing left to do is keep at it! My bike is sure happy with minor decel popping (fp3 can fix that too) but I next will be experimenting with retarding timing as I'm hearing what sure sounds like knocking upon acceleration.

Sent from my Droid Turbo 2 using Tapatalk.

I think the tour pak makes a difference; my throttle response has been great, no de-excel popping and it's like riding a new bike.

FP3 it the bomb and I wish I had added it when I bought Miss Scarlett. I had a PC3 on my old dresser and it wasn't like this. Really bad and was worth the money.

Anybody "thinking" adding this, do it. BIG GRIN!:cool:
Yup tuners have come a long way from the old 3 pot tuners.

I encourage you to stick around and enjoy the vast info here. After all, we have essentially the same bike plus some nice additions. A street glide is a stripped ultra and an ultra is a dressed street glide!

My mention of deceleration popping is really my fault as I haven't adjusted the decel pop setting on the fp3. I like some pop though, so I probably won't. The timing is a bigger interest to me because basically every time I rip her open, I hear a crack like it's knocking or maybe compensator just tapping the splines. But since I have the ability to play with timing, I sure will! Now if only I didn't have to work all the time...

Sent from my Droid Turbo 2 using Tapatalk.
Been having so much fun reading the posts I joined the site today. Don't hold it against me that I ride a full dresser. Wore out the old 2001 Electra-Glide so I traded it in on a 2014. Sold a 1990 Softail with 100,000+ miles on it to buy the 1st Electra-Glide. Yup, I ride a rolling BarcaLounger and damn proud of it.

After reading every post this morning, took 3 cups of coffee, I installed the FP3 today. Really simple and everything did exactly as it should. I loaded a canned tune for hi-flow breather and twin slash round slip-ons with std baffles (Rinehart).
Not being one to even give that a try, I turned on the auto-tune and hits the roads. Not that I needed an excuse to ride, I FORCED myself to hit a bunch of on-ramps and side roads and all the junk that makes riding what it is. ~100 miles later I returned to my charming bride of 39+ years and took a snap of the chart.
Spazz, everything you explained help a lot and simplified the process. Let's see how many blocks I can get through on a 3-day weekend... THX!
View attachment 11216

Nice lookin map for a 100 mile trip... GREAT JOB! and I am more than happy to help out when and where I can....
Day two. I rode over to a Legacy Vets poker run to donate and got a chance to ride Miss Scarlette at various speeds. It was 140 mile day and made it through New Orleans twice w/o getting killed.

The part about varying throttle positions is a piece of cake, I suffer from "fat right wrist disease".

To the fence sitters reading this forum who are still thinking about adding the FP3, just two words, "DO IT!"

Hesitation off the line is gone. Shifting is smoother. Throttle responce is fantastic. Easy starting (but real hard to turn it off at the end of the day). Unless you are staying 100% stock :p this is the most cost effective improvement you can made. How, if I can just find the right apehangers...

AT Day Two.jpg
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At what point should I apply? My riding has changed since i first started and that is why I am redoing this. This picture is from an hour or so of riding around locally.

I have read the posts in this thread and understand the difference between applying the work done so far versus finalizing but do not fully understand the "why" of applying the mapping to date.

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The why is because according to the literature from v&h, once a cell is learned, it won't continue learning until those values are flashed. So applying allows the fp3 to run those cells again and double check the results. And in extreme situations, the learned value change may max out before it can even achieve the target afr.

Personally, I try to apply every 50 to 75 miles. Especially with a solid block of green, it's time to apply so you can run through those cells again.

Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk
I guess I am going to apply this and then see what happens on my next ride. I am doing Skyline Drive on Monday.

I guess I am going to apply this and then see what happens on my next ride. I am doing Skyline Drive on Monday.

View attachment 11236
Now that you have a screen shot... after you apply, you can target the yellow blocks specifically by rpm and throttle. Gear selection will help out as well

Sent from Note4 via TapaTalk
First time poster here..

This is the best FP3 instructions/ talk on the internet. Good Job!

My question is, if I start auto tune can I go back and watch the sensors as it's building the auto tune? The numbers are so small on my android Note 4 that I can't even read them if I'm holding the phone.


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